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To our dedicated Chief Stewards, Members, Exhibitors & Loyal Sponsors,


On Tuesday evening, the Executive Committee of the Crows Nest Agricultural, Horticultural & Industrial Society Incorporated made the necessary decision to cancel all events associated with the 2020 Crows Nest Show and Show Ball due to the COVID-19 health crisis.

This decision was made with the health and safety of the Crows Nest community at the forefront of our priorities & with the utmost respect to our hardworking healthcare sector.

We wish to acknowledge the massive amount of volunteer hours already invested into the 2020 season especially by the Miss Showgirl & Rural Ambassador entrants. All Charity Showgirl fundraising events have been postponed and the Show Society is supporting entrants.

The Chief Stewards, Show Ball committee, Working Bee volunteers and Schedule helpers are also to be acknowledged for what was shaping up to be a commendable year. We thank over 120 Show Sponsors for their support of the biggest event on Crows Nest’s calendar and urge you to shop local in the coming months.

The 2020 Show Schedule had already been printed & distributed to over 70 financial member’s households. We are asking member’s to retain the schedule and member’s tickets for the 2021 Crows Nest Show on Saturday 8th May. In due course, our website will have the schedule uploaded with amended dates.

With 80% of 2020 monetary sponsorship already received, we are respectfully asking sponsors that we hold over donated prize money and use it for the 2021 Show with the printed schedule reflecting your pledged donations. If sponsors would like a refund, we are more than happy to accommodate this. Please arrange, by contacting Treasurer Carol on 0407 591 380.

We are currently working on a NO CONTACT method to generate the buzz of “Show Week” in local households during May with virtual online activities suggested. Updates and more information will be forthcoming with the #12daysofcrowieshow virtual show week activities to be launched shortly on social media with further information in the local paper.

Committee Meetings will be temporarily adjourned. The Secretary’s Office will be open by appointment only or contact Secretary Jess on (07) 4698 1390.

On a positive note, we now have 14 months to prepare our entries, the Rooftop Express are locked in and we can’t wait to present the 117th Crows Nest Show on Saturday the 8th May 2021!

Kind regards and stay safe,
Executive Committee of the Crows Nest Agricultural, Horticultural & Industrial Society Inc.

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